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If someone wants to argue the first is still worth playing and is convincing enough, I have no problems with that, and will bold it too.

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An example of that would be Jagged Alliance 2 making the first a much more questionable purchase, since it does everything 1 did but better. I don't think that's the case, but I don't know for sure. King's Bounty is quite fun indeed, I just haven't played the expansions, so I didn't feel comfortable enough to bold it if it turned out the expansions sorta made the original obsolete. I missed out on Outcast, but figured someone who played it would recommend it to be bolded, haven't gotten around to Sands of Time either, or the Shogo game. I didn't try the glide wrappers though, so that may help, if it did, and the gameplay is still as fun as it was, I'd bold it! Interstate '76 a good example, I loved it back when it came out, but I didn't bold it because the game didn't leave a good impression with me after I installed it, and I'm not sure how well the gameplay holds up any more. So if someone buys a title they're on the fence on because it's bolded, I don't want it to be one of those titles that has all sorts of issues to get running besides just a few patches/mods. Just that the games still work properly and are still quite enjoyable to play today in their respective genres! Time Gentlemen, Please! + Ben There, Dan That! Secret of Monkey Island, The: Special Edition RollerCoaster Tycoon 2: Triple Thrill Pack Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga, RPG Ĭhronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena Age of Wonders 2: The Wizard's Throne, TBS Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition, RPG Space Rangers, SCTS (Space Combat Trader Sim) Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars: Director's Cut, Adventure

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Finally, useful links/instructions for games which benefit from community created mods/patches. What is this thread?: Following this post you'll find the 2010 releases (since relaunch), followed by GOG's complete catalog of games. Pay a few bucks, download an installer and play! GOG is 100% DRM free. What is GOG?: PC games of the past available once more for nostalgia or even those who missed out.

Aquanox gog download